Monday, February 19, 2018

Hebrews 5:8

Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered NIV
This passage is talking about Jesus, and I think the verse after this is important to read as well; it’s says, “And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him” Jesus in the garden asked God his father in the garden that this cup would pass from him and if there was another option. But after he said, not my will but yours and the ones what God told him to do and went to the cross. As a result in verse 9 “He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him.” It says somewhere in the bible that God would rather have obedience than burnt offerings. I know for me I want to listen to God but, when tells me do something I make excuses on why I can’t and after I make commitments to God saying what I will do to Glorify him and then Never do it. Rather it be sharing the gospel with someone or helping someone out, or just merely having a conversation with someone, I would rather not do it and afterwards just say sorry and make some dump commitment on how I’m going to be better the next time and then Never happens.

First thing is God has called me here and to put myself under leadership and listen to them and grow so, ill do what they ask me to do and do it with a joyful heart expecting to be grown from what they tell me to do.  And pray everyday for opportunity to hear God speak and then obey what he wants me to do.

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