This is what the Lord says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea.
This was said to the Israelites by the
prophet Isaiah. Isaiah was called by God who was sent to Israel that they would turn back to God and remember the creator who made them a great nation. In the beginning its says “your redeemer, the holy one of Israel.” Its personal, God said “Your” and “The HOLY ONE of Israel.” Israel again back slid and the lord is saying that I’m your and I’m the God of Israel. Later in the verse it talks about how God knows best and how he teaches you what’s best. And how he will direct which way that Israel should go. The lord will be involved with them day to day he won’t just leave them and stop teaching and directing them he loves them and want a personnel relationship with Israel. Israel only had to do one thing, the only thing that they had to do was “Paid attention to my commandments” they only had to listen to God. What God told Moses through the law they would have to obey. If they did God promises 2 things; “peace like a river” and “Well being like the waves of the sea”. God heart seems to be blessing upon blessing all they have to do is follow God. It would be really easy for me to condemn the Israelites but, if I did that then I would be a hypocrite. I do the same thing, I chose to Go after dump thing and decide that I know what is best and that “I don’t need God” and I may not say it in words but, I do so it in actions. I think if I was to live by and follow Gods word then I would get the same peace and well-being that the Israelites got. And to remind myself, it doesn’t say easier it says peace. God gives us peace but, doesn’t all the time make the situation any easier. But, he does promise peace and well being which is more that I deserve. And he is personal, He wants to be my God, and He wants to be my God everyday not just on certain days.
Starting today I will read through Isaiah and ask the lord to show me Him as I read.
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