Thursday, February 15, 2018

Acts 5:29

Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. KJV
Peter and the apostle here are on trial for spreading the gospel. The Pharisees wanted them to stop spreading the gospel because it went against what the said. But Peter and the apostle knew what God has told them to do and they weren’t going to get sidetracked. Jesus gave them a specific order to go to all nations and share this gospel which Jesus fufilled. They knew this, so even if the authority in town tried to get them to stop they couldn’t because they knew who was they higher authority. Although I have never been told not to preach the gospel, I do know what it’s like to be in a church with corrupted leaders and I think the wisest thing to do when it comes to that is to do what they did in acts after the people heard Paul teaching they went home to see if what he was saying was true and when they saw that it was they were greatly encouraged. But, God also appoints leaders rather it be Goldy or not. That’s why we must check and see if what the earthly leader lines up with the ultimate authority. And when we find I godly leader who is following God, to put myself under that is to obey the ultimate authority God which is the goal. So, I think this verse is not an excuse to disobey authority but to have a greater relationship with God that way when we find corrupt authority I will not fall into it and be lead away from God.
Every time during a message if they say a verse, I will look it up to see what it says, not to try to prove them wrong But, so I may grow in my faith. But also I want to thank God everyday for the leadership that God has put me under So, that I may grow.

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