Thursday, February 22, 2018

Galatians 5:13

For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. KJV
There is something’s that don’t single me that stumble others, and there is something’s that stumbled me that don’t stumble others. For example, horror movies they scare the living crap out of me and I do things often time that is considered embarrassing (I call it a loud proclamation of distress aka screaming) but it makes me take my eyes off of God and focus on myself. So horror movies is something I know I can’t handle but, I know there is people who can handle it and don t get stumbled by it. But Paul is saying don’t use these kind of freedoms to serve your flesh because that’s not what it’s meant too do. So in this example a way to serve is not watch horror movies in front of me. But, I know am ok listening to secular music and not think any differently but, there is people in my life who can’t listen too it. So, a way I can serve is not listen or sing secular music in front of those people . Because the goal is not to have the freedom but to have a way to serve other people and to give glory to God in those freedoms and to never loose focus on God.

Today I will pray and ask God to show me what stumbles me and also what freedoms I have and how I can serve him in it.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Hebrews 5:8

Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered NIV
This passage is talking about Jesus, and I think the verse after this is important to read as well; it’s says, “And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him” Jesus in the garden asked God his father in the garden that this cup would pass from him and if there was another option. But after he said, not my will but yours and the ones what God told him to do and went to the cross. As a result in verse 9 “He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him.” It says somewhere in the bible that God would rather have obedience than burnt offerings. I know for me I want to listen to God but, when tells me do something I make excuses on why I can’t and after I make commitments to God saying what I will do to Glorify him and then Never do it. Rather it be sharing the gospel with someone or helping someone out, or just merely having a conversation with someone, I would rather not do it and afterwards just say sorry and make some dump commitment on how I’m going to be better the next time and then Never happens.

First thing is God has called me here and to put myself under leadership and listen to them and grow so, ill do what they ask me to do and do it with a joyful heart expecting to be grown from what they tell me to do.  And pray everyday for opportunity to hear God speak and then obey what he wants me to do.

Psalms 17:15

As for me, I will be vindicated and will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness. NIV

I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with the likeness. One day I’m going to die a physical death and I will leave this earth and go to heaven my home. Nothing is coming with me, just my soul. When I get to heaven I’m going to look in wonder at my God and be completely, satisfied. I’m not going to say to myself that I want my Xbox or mt music. I’m not going to say wish I would of done that or not of done that . No I will look at my God and be completely satisfied. Because God will be enough for me and I will be perfected. Be holy as I am holy, when I get there I know that this verse will be true. I will know that I will be Glorified in heaven and everything I was suppose to be on this earth I will be there. I will be perfected, I will be in God’s presence Glorifying him for all of eternity. I will be able to behold my God in awe and fall in my face in worship Him.

Phillipians 4

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. NIV
  Before Paul says this he notices that the philipians renewed the concerned for Paul because he was in prison. But after he notice that they didn’t have the opportunity to help Paul with his problem. And Paul responds and says don’t worry I learned the secret of being contient. Because Paul knew what it was like to have great gain and to have next to nothing. He knew what it was like to prosper and what it was like to strive, he knew. Paul in verse 8 say He can do all things through Christ who strengthen me. The secret of being content is God. Paul said that God is the author and finisher of our faith, also Jesus said that God takes care of the birds and we not of more value than they? Paul also said that the God’s grace was suffient for him. So, to be content is to trust in God and believe he is God and to know His promises will come true no matter the circumstances . He is God and his grace is suffient.

I I will write down content on my hand and every time I see it I will thank God for we’re he has me.

Colossians 1:11

being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, (NIV)
I see this verse has two parts, the growing process and the reward. In football conditioning I had a friend named rhino, when we had early morning conditioning I was talking to him and I was complaining about getting up early and working out and the entire time he is just listening, after I was done complaining he says this “I hate the process but, I love the results.” At first I didn’t think much of it but, looking back on it it is something I can apply to my walk with God. But later on that morning we were doing squats and I decided to put two 45 weights on the 45 pound bar and I try to do the squats, and as I go down I realize really quick that I wasn’t going to be able to do this. So, instead of going to my knees and let the guards catch it I tried to go up and finish the squat. But, one of my teammates saw that I wasn’t able to do it and he catches me and helps me up and put the bar back on the hooks. If it wasn’t for that person I would of hurt myself and I wouldn’t  of got the results I needed. And I think that’s what this verse is getting at, life is like the weight where there is going to be things in this life where we can’t get through and we know it, God is like my teammate where he says “If you use my strength than we will get through this but, if you don’t use my strength you are going to crash to the ground and hurt yourself. Which do you chose?” if you call on God’s strength then you will be able to stand and afterward you will get the strength that you needed. Not the strength you need to do the 45s but the strength of patience knowing that “he who started a good work will finish it until the day of Christ Jesus .”

I know I need patience because I'm lacking patience severely so, that’s why I will pray for patience everyday that God will give me patience and He will give me opprotunity to grow my patience and when they happen call on God for strength.

Luke 8:11-15

So at this time Jesus is explaining the parable of the sower, and he starts to talk about each one and explaining what each one means and the two I relate with the most is the stoney and thorny  soil. The stoney soil is the people who receive God’s word and receive it with Joy and then when trials happen they lose faith cause there are no roots. And the thorny ground is when the person receive it with Joy and then the cares of the world destroy the fruit that it starts to grow. And I remember going to California every summer and we made it tradition to go to Calvary Costa mesa and I remember listening to pastor Chuck Smith speak and being moved by it and then I would go back to my grandma house and start thinking what I can do with my day and how I can go out and have fun and completely forgetting what I learned and never applying it and I knew God was calling me to go deeper. And recently I was like the stoney side where I would go to church and receive God’s word willingly and want to apply it but when my old church strayed from God, I lost faith and started to curse God. But the weird thing is In the beginning I had complete faith in God and I knew that God was going to get us through this time and I knew God was going to be glorified. But I ignored the last part of verse 15; “and bear fruit with patience.” And patience is key cause when I was dealing with the crap that was going on and didn’t have patience in what I believed, the situation just got worse and worse and like acid it ate away at my faith till it was all gone. So, when it came directly at me I lost faith in God cause the roots I had didn’t go deep enough and it showed me how shallow I am. So, if I want to be on the Good soil God is going to have to get a sledge hammer and smash my stoney heart and I have to be patient and trust in the work He is doing, I have to pesevere. I have to trust that God is going to do it and be faithful to God until He does what He said He would do and keep be faithful.

• Today I will pray for patience and look for opportune times to show patience. Or just not complain when God is telling me to be patient. 

Ephesians 5:21

Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. KJV
Fear of God, a healthy respect for God. We respect God so we Submit  to others. I don’t think that means to become one of the welcome mat that people have before you enter into their homes and you wipe you feet on . But, to realize that we are all level at the cross and that God has not put one leader in this group . It says that “we should not think more highly of yourself” we need to have an honest opinion of ourselves. Knowing that we bring Good and bad things to the table but, to realize that God can use both and if we seek him diligently he will be Glorified. It also says in one of the gospels that “if you love me you will keep my commandments.” Saying if you love Jesus you will hear and obey my words,  I want to love God with all my heart but I know I’m not there yet but, I can make steps in the right direction by following verses like this and actually applying my application and make efforts to remember my application. But we don’t submit to others cause they are better, or just because but, we do it because we fear God.

Today I will right down the gifts and the weakness that I have and pray over it thanking God for the Gifts and pray for growth in my weaknesses.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Psalms 111:10

The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belong eternal praise. (niv)

Fear the lord. For the longest time I never knew what this meant, cause when I was a kid I was afraid of everything and if I was afraid of something I would run away or hide and do everything in my power to make sure I don’t have to confront the thing I was afraid of so, when I heard fear the lord I thought that meant run away and make sure you don’t confront it, but I thought that was weird cause we were suppose to go to God and he was going to welcome me with open in arms so, how are we supposed to fear him and run to him? That doesn’t make sense in my mind, but it wasn’t tell my old youth pastor explained that it made sense. Its kind of like fire, if you mess around with fire it will eventually cause major damage, but if you go by the proper guidelines it will keep you warm and comfort you. God is the same way just much bigger, infinitely bigger. God was there since the beginning he it beyond space and time. He made everything he knows everything and he is completely, 100% sovereign. He is perfect wrath and perfect love, he knows everything about you, he knows my deepest secret, He knows how to break me, he knows what I need, he knows just how wicked and evil I am. He knows everything about me. He is the self-existing one, he is all powerful, all knowing, no matter what words I use to describe him, I could never truly describe him and how awesome he is. That’s why I don’t wont to tick off a holy and living God, but I want to go by his commandments cause he knows everything and he knows how to live life correct and glorifying to Him. And that is why he deserves all praise is because he deserves all praise.
That’s why today I want to follow Jesus commandment by loving people how he loved me, if that’s means serving or listening to people or just being a friend.

Luke 21:19

Stand firm and you will win your life. (NIV)

I think in verse like this its important to establish context to make it clearer. (then again you should always establish context). Jesus in the previous verses is talking about the end times and what needs to take place first before He comes back. He talks about how kingdom will go against kingdom, how there will be a lot of natural disasters that will plague the earth, and people will come in Jesus name saying that they are the Christ but are not. Jesus tells them not to be afraid because these things must happen before Jesus comes back. But he goes on to talk about how people are going to hate them and persecute them, and Jesus tells them to endure or stand firm as the NIV translation says. I think Jesus is trying to warn people and to encourage people not to lose their faith and encourage them to keep going because they will gain their life’s if they endure this. I think this important especially in the day we live in where most of the things that Jesus is saying in this passage is coming to past, country are waging war against country, people are calling themselves Jesus, people are going crazy saying the end is near and starting weird cults, there has been several natural disasters that has happened in the past year so, everything that Jesus said in this passage is coming true. And Christianity is being persecuted around the world, people can lose their lives in some places, sometimes people can be thrown in prison or severely beaten if the say the believe in Jesus. People will lie and ruin your reputation, or verbally beat them or, make accusations against them to start rumors against them. All of which are terrible but, Jesus just said it will happen and tells us to endure. To stand and withstand everything and to keep the focus and to not waiver. Why? Cause God knows what is going on and He is till in control so, no matter how bad it seems we can have faith in God and we can hold to the promise the God gives us saying that He will never leave us nor forsake us and when those times happen I can run to Jesus and hold on to him with everything I have and when I don’t have anything left I know he will hold me up and carry me through. So, I think standing firm in this case is remembering the promises that Jesus gave us and to hold firm to that and to keep my eyes on that.


 will search the bible and look for the promises that Jesus Gives us and write them down and meditate on each one.

Acts 5:29

Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. KJV
Peter and the apostle here are on trial for spreading the gospel. The Pharisees wanted them to stop spreading the gospel because it went against what the said. But Peter and the apostle knew what God has told them to do and they weren’t going to get sidetracked. Jesus gave them a specific order to go to all nations and share this gospel which Jesus fufilled. They knew this, so even if the authority in town tried to get them to stop they couldn’t because they knew who was they higher authority. Although I have never been told not to preach the gospel, I do know what it’s like to be in a church with corrupted leaders and I think the wisest thing to do when it comes to that is to do what they did in acts after the people heard Paul teaching they went home to see if what he was saying was true and when they saw that it was they were greatly encouraged. But, God also appoints leaders rather it be Goldy or not. That’s why we must check and see if what the earthly leader lines up with the ultimate authority. And when we find I godly leader who is following God, to put myself under that is to obey the ultimate authority God which is the goal. So, I think this verse is not an excuse to disobey authority but to have a greater relationship with God that way when we find corrupt authority I will not fall into it and be lead away from God.
Every time during a message if they say a verse, I will look it up to see what it says, not to try to prove them wrong But, so I may grow in my faith. But also I want to thank God everyday for the leadership that God has put me under So, that I may grow.

Ephesians 6:1 & Colossians 3:20

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. NIV
Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. NIV
“Children obey your parents in everything, for this is right.” And “it pleases the lord.” Notice it says everything, not in something’s or the good things but, everything. How am I suppose to obey my parents in all things when there were times were my parents weren’t there for me? I did forgive them but, how am I suppose to obey them during those times? Then again I can’t be under them right now and I can’t go back during these time with the different eyes but, I can reflect on it. It also doesn’t obey their words but it just says “obey.” I think this can be in action, attitude, and words. I think that parents are always telling you something in Good times or bad, in the bad they could be telling you this how you act, or this is what to do. Or In the good it could be don t forget this or prepare for this. I know for me that my parents showed what a Godly attitude, words, and action were both in the Good times and bad. I remember taking my dad’s co-op class “knowing why you believe” and during class he said something along the lines that if someone in his family died he would be ok because God is still in control and he challenged if they would be ok if there family member died or something tragic like that actually happened. Well God tested my dad in his words, and during that time both my dad and mom held true. They were not perfect and they did mourn but, they still trusted God and God got them through. But I could obey there attitude which said this sucks but, God is God and hold fast to him, I could obey his action when they did the things they knew God was telling him to do and telling me, it hard but, obey God even in these times. And in words where he told me these things because this is not going to the only time where something tragic like this is going to happen. But even though I can’t go back to my parents in person right now I can reflect on the times I do remember they told me instructions in these three ways that way I can do the last part of Colossians 3:20 which is “please the Lord”. It’s hard to obey God who is my heavenly father when I can obey my earthly father and mom who was appointed by God.

That’s why today I will write down some of the instruction that my parents gave me both in the good times as well as the bad and I will meditate on each one.

Romans 6:16

Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? KJV
Everyone serves a master not always in the sense of an actual person But, something or someone who dictates what you do and don’t do. Weather it be a friend, doing a certain activity or an object or a state of mind. I know for me it is unbelief, ever since I have seen people walk away from God, a church splitting, people cutting and/Or suicidal, I started to not believe that God cared and if he did he didnt have the capability to help. Which is wrong But, that’s what I though and felt. So in my unbelief I decided to do it myself and try to handle it with my own strength. Even though God has brought me out of that mind set I still struggle with unbelief and obeying what God tells me to do because I don’t believe that God will do what he said to do. I’m running back to my old master when God is telling me to trust and obey him.
So today I will write down how God remained  faithful when I was running away from him and I will pray over it thanking God for what he did and every time I start too doubt I will remember what he did and walk in obedience

Monday, February 12, 2018

2 Corinthians 1:12

For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God, and more abundantly toward you (NKJV)

Paul is describing how he acted in the world and he said he did it in two ways: simplicity and Godly sincerity. The first being simplicity, meaning Paul didn’t have this big elaborate plan to reach the world or the Corinthians, it was simply the gospel nothing more, nothing less. And I know sometimes I come up with this bilge elaborate plan to reach people and I start planning all these way that I can do it, when really it’s the Gospel and my testimony on how God saved me through his gospel. The second word is sincerity, but not just sincerity but, Godly sincerity. People have to know that you care about them and desire to see the best for them but, more importantly the have to know the God thinks 1000 times more than I do. I can share my testimony with someone or even share the gospel with someone and there is no sincerity behind it then I’m just speaking words. God can ultimately use that but, how much more if we have a loving heart behind it. I need remember one time that I went to go share the Gospel with someone because it was part of an evangelism class I was taking. And I went to this older man and I went to go speak to him and all of sudden these fire truck go by with their sirens going off and I lost the words to speak. I just stood their staring at these people and with my mouth open with no words coming out, looking like a complete idiot. But the man said something that I will never forget, he said “if this is real to you then you have to say it with conviction, you have to speak to the person like this is real, like it changed your life.” And ever since then I was afraid so go evangelizing cause it wasn’t real in my own life until recently. So I think to speak in Godly sincerity then we first have to experience God and his grace and see the simplicity in it. Because I would be just another hypocritical Christian who speaks change but isn’t changed himself.

So, that’s why everyday I read the bible I will ask God to make his word real in my own life, and today I will pray for him to give him the Sincerity and simplicity that Paul is talking about.

ephesians 5:15-17

Be very careful, then how you live not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the lords will is. (NIV)

              Its not difficult to see that the time is evil, we don’t have to look past our country to see that. From abortion and plant parenthood to our politics, from our school system to our churches, to the movie we watch and video games we play, its not hard to see that society is jacked up and going to hell in a hand basket if people don’t repent. But, I don’t think Paul just wants me to focus on the problems of my generation cause people already do that and do nothing about it and look where we’re at but, that’s not the point. Paul says to redeem the time because the days are evil. That’s why we got to understand what God’ will is in our life and not to waste time like so many people our doing but to have a since of urgency because God is coming back, and a lot of people are going to go to hell if they don’t accept Jesus and its not just for a period, but an eternity separated from God. That’s why we need to apply the verse of asking for wisdom cause Paul here says we need to live not as the unwise but as the wise.

That is why I will continue to pray for wisdom everyday but, also seek God’  will for my life and submit to him when he tells me and repent when I don’t.                                                                                                           

Hebrews 11:1

Now Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Heb 11:1 ESV 

So, I think Paul was trying to tell the Hebrews what it means to have true faith and what it looks like to trust God in a God-Glorifying way. I think that he wanted to show these people that it more than just “I think it going to happen” or “it could happen” but it’s a “”by God it will happen” because faith is something that most people forget to have when praying for something. But faith is like saying “God I pray that you do this thing that I know its your will and because I know its your will then I know it going to happen because you are God and you have never broken promise Before so I know you will do what you said” so I think its just believing what God says he was going to do.

So, something I struggle with is having faith and trusting in God  so, something I want to do every day is that I will pray every day for faith and that he will give me opportunity to stretch my faith.

Hebrews 11:6

And without faith it is impossible to please God. Because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him (NIV)

I think what it means is pray and know it will happen and believing it will happen. And don’t be like the doubting like James talks about in his epistle. It reminds of the time where I would cry up to God in complete desperation asking him to deliver me from the pain I felt inside, but it was ironic cause afterwards I would say that “God doesn’t hear me, He doesn’t care.” So, I could of prayed in my desperation and known that God would of Got me through cause he said that he will never leave me nor forsake me. So, I think the meaning to this Verse is to take God at His word and never doubt. Its like that flyleaf song all around me where lacy Sturm sings “I give it to you now you owe me all I am, you said you will never leave me, I believe.”

So, what I need to do is to take him at his word so, today I want to look and write down the promise of God and to tell God that I believe and I will take him at his word.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

James 1:5

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given. (ESV)
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives liberally and without reproach and it will be given to him. (NKJV)

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. (NIV)

I think it’s important to establish context for the verse, in the previous verses it talks about counting it joy when you fall in various trials knowing that God is testing your faith. And when James is talking about having joy during the trial because it shows that God cares about us but, right in the middle of that he starts talking about wisdom. And James says if any of you lacks wisdom ask God, and he will give it to you freely without reproach. Not knowing what the word reproach meant I looked it up in the dictionary and it meant to blame and to make the person feel ashamed of themselves. So, when James said that God will give it freely without reproach that means that God won’t blame you or make you feel ashamed of myself. So, if you put that in the context of trials it means when you go through a trial and you cry out to God and say I need your wisdom to get through this he won’t say “what’s the matter with you!?! Just muscle your way through then I’ll help you.” Instead He knows you can’t do it on your own and offers His wisdom to get you through. And it says he will give it to you generously, which means God doesn’t make you go through a bunch of hoops to get His wisdom, God doesn’t say “Ok if you want wisdom, you must do this and this and this, then I’ll give you wisdom.” No!!!!!!! He gives it generously because He knows I am feeble and that I desperately need him, and he want me to get to him so, he will give it to me freely. All I must do is ask in faith and he will give it to me.
So that’s why when I enter a hard time I’m going to ask God for wisdom and ask for it in faith but, I know there is wisdom in preparing for the battle so, that’s why everyday for the next two weeks I will get up an hour early and pray for wisdom and apply Jordan message on praying and watching.

James 3:13-17

Who is wise and understanding among you? By his conduct let him show, let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.

What I think James is trying to do here is show two different types of wisdom, one wisdom will Glorify yourself and one will Glorify God. Because James still cause it wisdom He calls it demonic but still wisdom, and I think its dangerous cause I know I confuse the two and think just because I made it out the other side “ok” then I most of done something eight and don’t consider the people I hurt along they way. For instances when I didn’t want to be around my family because it seem like every time I was home we hot into a huge argument, and it always ended badly. So, I decided that I would just leave and not be in the house for as long as possible. So everyday for two month I went to friends houses so I didn’t have to be around them. Demonic wisdom say that was ok cause I should look after myself and make sure that I don’t get hurt. But what I didn’t know is when I would leave I my mom and dad would ask themselves why I would always leave and get really depressed and angry about it. And what I didn’t know is that they wanted make up the time that the enemy took away. Godly wisdom told me I should stay and continue my walk with Christ, but instead went and was completely stupid for period time and paid for it.

In James it says if you ask for wisdom and believe it will happen, God will give you wisdom. So that is why everyday I will ask for wisdom and to get chance to use it.  But also I think there is wisdom in sitting under people and learning from the experiences so, that’s why I’ll sit under the leadership and learn from what they have to say and actually listen and act on it.

Matthew 8:9-10

For I too am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. And I say to one ‘Go’ and he goes, and to another, ‘Come’ and he comes, and to my servant, ‘Do this’ and he does it” when Jesus heard this, he marveled and said to those who followed him, “truly, I tell you, with no one in Israel have I found such faith. (esv)

I think what can be taken away from this passage is that the centurion even in his rank knew who Jesus was or he knew that there was something different about Jesus and decided to put his faith in that. But either way the centurion could have easily commanded Jesus to do it and if he didn’t Jesus would be thrown in prison if he didn’t. So, the fact that the centurion went up to Jesus humbly and asked Jesus to command him is amazing it show that the centurion knew that there was something different about Jesus or he knew that Jesus was God. And I think that the centurion lived out the Hebrews 11:1 and 11:6 and I think it’s a good practical example of what true faith looks like and it’s a perfect lead to follow.


So, when I think of a soldier I think of someone who puts himself under his general cause his general typically see’s the bigger picture and because of that he does as that general asks. And a Good soldier will dedicate his body, soul, mind and strength into his duty so he could serve his general in his full capacity. So that’s why today I have decided to daily surrender and ask God for his help because I know I can’t do it.